I took a trip to Wellington Hospital today to meet up with daughter Nicky and grand-daughter Megan who had travelled down from Feilding for an appointment. This is a trip I had done many times before but…… Wellington Hospital has had a huge rebuilding programme over several years and the new section is now up and running. Costing $285 million it has been a controversial project as the building went well over the original budget.

I drove into the hospital grounds and oops, encountered a ticket barrier with an exit sign. This didn’t look right to me. “I’m going to the top car park”, I told the ticket collector. Seems I had come in the wrong entrance so I had to hand over my ticket and continue driving up the hill. Now, how do I actually enter the hospital building? Wellington Hospital has been added on to over the years and is a collection of many buildings. The one close by had a sign saying “Construction Site – No patients in this Building”. Can’t enter here, obviously. So down the hill I walk, enter a side door, and follow the painted lines on the floor till I find the correct department.
Waiting at hospitals in inevitable and after the appointment finally came around it was time to say goodbye to Nicky and Megan and head home. I was in the new part of the hospital so was not quite sure where to go. I know, I’ll ask at the Reception desk. Down that corridor and up those stairs, I was told, so off I went. It was dark and cold outside but I was on the wrong side of the building. That car park wasn’t the one I was looking for. So back I went, retracing my steps and exited around the other side. Climbing back up the hill, I finally came across the car park. Now, where had I left my car? Not here, not there, I started to panic, don’t tell me it’s been stolen, or towed away! I walked around again, looking closely at all the cars. Then I noticed another car park, a little higher up. There she is, my little blue Astra, waiting for me in the dark. Thankfully, I slid behind the wheel, handed over my money to the parking attendant, and started the long drive home. No sense of direction, that’s me. What a day.