Success is getting what you want; happiness is liking what you get

Tuesday 24 April 2018

That wasn’t too bad

The pair of us have both been done for our annual flu jabs.  Just a little prick, to tell the truth we hardly felt it, so it wasn’t too bad at all.  The nurse did an excellent job.

Image result for picture of nurse

Influenza is a virus that spreads quickly from person to person. Symptoms include fever, chills, aches, runny nose, a cough and stomach upset. In temperate climates such as New Zealand’s, people are more likely to get the flu in winter. Some people get very sick – influenza causes deaths every year.  Here in New Zealand the Department of Health funds the vaccine free for oldies like us (65 years and over).  It is also made available to those who are pregnant, or who have a serious medical condition.
In our latter working years Robin’s workplace provided free flu jabs to the workers, while mine were subsidized.  So now we have reached OAP status, we are more than happy to carry on with this free service.  After all, good health means more caravan trips away!

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