Fancy a bit of trivia about our holiday? How about this then:
We travelled on 8 flights for a total of 54 hours flying time. Wonder how many
kms we flew? And took four shuttle rides and local taxi trips in Singapore, London and New York.
Drove 2 rentals, needed the second car after Robin blew two tyres out!! A total of 1780 miles.
We took one 5 day bus tour, 8 sightseeing bus trips and 1 horse and carriage ride. We enjoyed an 8 day canal boat trip, 6 sightseeing boat trips, 2 ferry trips, 2 cable car rides and rode on 2 "big wheels", The Singapore
Flyer and the London Eye. Add to that our 6 train rides plus we sampled the underground rail systems in London and New York.
We visited 4 countries, Singapore, UK, Canada and USA, staying at 12 hotels, 5 B & B's, on Narrow Boat Gypsy Rover, and in a friend's home. While travelling around we visited 10 museums, 2 castles, 2 palaces, 4 cathedrals, 2 abbeys, 3 churches, a falconry, a zoo and a primate rescue
sanctuary. Plus lots of other sightseeing, visits to parks, walks along piers and beaches, interesting little villages, places of interest, memorials - you name it, we probably did it.
We spent time catching up with 5 of Jenny's quilting penfriends. Margaret of Birmingham, Janet of
Cromer, Glennis of Chipping Norton, Rose of
Hythe, and Gail of Canada. It was so nice to see you all.
Wrote 49 blogs at Internet Cafes and hotels, the airport, public libraries and on Dot and Derek's computer.

Happiness is clean laundry
"Find the Laundrette" was the mission as we travelled around, and in between times Jenny did some washing by hand and turned our hotel rooms into a Chinese Laundry.
Robin tripped and fell down once and dropped his camera 3 times.
Jenny tried her very best at navigating but sometimes got yelled at.
All in all we had a wonderful 9 weeks travelling.