Success is getting what you want; happiness is liking what you get

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Engineer in the house

Finally, our heat pump was getting some attention, after six weeks or so with it not working.  Now that New Zealand has dropped down to Alert Level 3, some businesses can now operate as long as they adhere to the strict rules now in place.  In these Covid 19 days, having a tradesman in the house takes some planning.   While Jonathan of Levin Heat Pumps was working, for social distancing reasons, we were asked not to be in the same room as him.  I decided to distance myself in the caravan, taking Gemma with me, together with my library book and knitting.  With the kettle on the gas hob, a cup of coffee or two, I was quite happy.  It was a lovely day, the sunshine was streaming in the windows, and Gemma soon settled down for a snooze.

At home in the caravan parking area

We had decided to get a new replacement heat pump, rather than repair our existing unit.  Jonathan was busy outside at the back of the house replacing the outside unit, while Robin stayed inside.  These units have gas inside (I didn’t know that) which had to be sucked out and safely contained.

Removing the gas

The new unit was installed, and as the unit is complete with new refrigerant gas, when the system is sealed the  gas is released, and that part of the job was completed.

New Outside Unit being installed

After a socially distant lunch break (Jonathan solitary outside on the patio and us inside) the second phase was done, installing the interior unit.  Robin took himself off to the caravan, and I kept myself busy in the sewing room, giving Jonathan plenty of space to work.    Finally the job was complete after a satisfactory test run, and we were good to go again – ready and waiting for the next cold spell. 

New heat pump installed

Proving that advertising pays, with the marked van parked outside, two neighbours came knocking on the door wanting some work done on their heat pumps.  With two extra jobs to be logged, the company will be pleased with that.

1 comment:

Janice said...

That’s great to finally have that job done. At least you will be toasty warm now.