Success is getting what you want; happiness is liking what you get

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Time to head home

On our last day in Napier, we went out to lunch with Helen and Owen.  Where to but the “world famous in Hawkes Bay” Silky Oak Chocolates.

It was hot and sunny, a typical Hawkes Bay day, so we sat outside the café under the awning.  Even under the awning it was so bright we needed to keep our sun glasses on to stop us squinting.  The age old question, what to order?  Robin ordered a BLT and I had a salmon roulade, and of course we needed one of their delicious iced chocolate drinks as well. P1050468

Our delicious lunch


Helen, Jenny, Robin and Owen at Silky Oak\

We called into the Chocolate Shop to buy some drinking chocolate, and to be honest a few little chocolates came home with us as well.  The staff member told us about the flood rushing through the buildings during Cyclone Gabrielle a year a go, and showed us how high up the internal walls the water rose.  All the stock had to be thrown out of course, and the business was closed for six months while repairs took place.

The following morning we packed up, said our goodbyes, and headed for home.  Just prior to Dannevirke we stopped and waited, and waited some more.  I guess that we were held up here on the road for a good 15 minutes at least.  What was wrong, we wondered?


Waiting, waiting

Onwards traffic rolled towards us, then finally we were given the all clear to proceed.  The workers were laying asphalt, what a hot job that must have been in the conditions.


Hot work on the roads

We stopped for lunch at a lay-by at the beginning of Dannevirke.  Oh look, there’s a fine looking Viking to welcome us.  While we sat relaxing in  the van eating our lunch, a couple of ambulances and police cars, sirens blaring, rushed back the way we had just come.  Obviously some sort of accident, lucky for us we were off the road when it happened.


Lunch stop at Dannevirke

On our way again, we headed over the Saddle Road.  Plenty of wind turbines were turning lazily on the top of the ranges.


Saddle Road

Then it was an easy drive the rest of the way home.  The caravan was unpacked in the stinking hot Levin weather, the first load of laundry was put on, and then we sank into our seats to get our breath back – whew, it was so hot and sticky!  We certainly didn’t notice the heat while driving with AC on.  That’s our Christmas/New Year holiday done and dusted.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Jenny - thanks for visiting my blog! It looks like you had lovely Christmas/New Year's holiday. I do sympathize with road construction employees who must work during the hottest times of the year. I would go home and soak in a tub of ice cubes, I think! Have a wonderful week!