Success is getting what you want; happiness is liking what you get

Thursday 18 July 2019

Winter Weather

Our winter weather here in Levin is very changeable.  Sunny with showers, and then the sun coming out again,  nice still days followed by pesky winds.  We even had a bout of thunder and lightning the other day.  All that noise overhead made Gemma scarper in fear of her life, and we found her later hiding in the bottom of the wardrobe.  She thinks she is rather brave and fearless cat, but loud noises turn her into a real scardey cat! 

Hiding in the bottom of the wardrobe

It’s been cold enough to have the heat pump on most nights, and I really pleased that we have finally purchased a tumble drier, so handy for finishing off the washing which doesn’t quite dry off during the day.

All the leaves have finally dropped from the weeping tree (not sure what kind it is) in the front of the house.  We heard birds noisily chirping and looked out to see a tui singing his heart out.  It looked a very wintry scene indeed, with the tui sitting on the bare branches.

Tui in winter

We will still have plenty of cold, wet, wintry weather for a while, but now we have passed the shortest day, we can take heart that the days are counting down to summer!


Janice said...

Although it is very wintery now, aren't we luck to experience the four seasons. Yes, your tui in the tree does look a bit bleak. Our weather is all over the place too, except without the rain, other than a slight sprinkle now and then. We have many grey, bleak days, but interspersed are having some surprisingly warm days for this time of year. It is expected to reach 18 degrees on Sunday. That is unheard of for July in our part of the world. I can appreciate using the dryer to finish off the washing. We don't have one, so the clothes airer comes out overnight just to finish things off before being put away in the morning. Stay warm.

June's Jottings said...

Know what you mean by cold, wet and miserable weather Jenny. About thirty years ago we visited Christchurch for Christmas - not all that warm then either! Have had beautiful days here in SE Qld, with temps around 23/24 degs Today though we had a glorious day of 26 degs and the same is forecast for tomorrow - and this is the middle of winter!