Success is getting what you want; happiness is liking what you get

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Next Stop - Dannevirke Rally

Saying goodbye to our ICA friends, we left Hastings to drive down to Dannevirke for our caravan club rally.  The fog/mist was rather thick and we could barely see a thing for a while.  It always seems rather spooky to me driving in these conditions.


Mist everywhere

Bill and Val were travelling with us and we arranged to stop at Waipawa for lunch.  Brrrm, brrm, a large group of motor bikes drove into town and parked up.  They were on a trip to Porangahau they said, and were waiting for the latecomers to catch up.  This strange beast certainly was worth admiring, part car, part bike, obviously a one-off.


What is this?


Parked up for lunch

Well fed and watered, we continued on our way.  There was snow on the top of the Ruahine Ranges, sparkling in the winter sunshine, always a lovely sight to see.


There's snow on those hills

We arrived at Dannevirke Motor Camp in the mid afternoon.  The camp is way down a long drive, we passed an aviary, and there were deer in one of the nearby paddocks.  This camp in situated in a dell and can get rather chilly, luckily we were all on power sites for the weekend.  Report at the office, the sign said – that caused a little consternation as the office used to be part of the house at the top of the drive, but was nowhere to be seen.  We found out that the office is now situated in the camp ground – you can tell it’s been a while since our last visit here.


At Dannevirke Camp Ground

It was great to catch up with everyone again.  There was a lot planned for the following day, Saturday, including a mystery trip, wonder where we will end up?  Sounds like fun.


Sitting outside the kitchen area

Monday, 27 June 2022

ICA Rally, Hawkes Bay

Billed as the “0 & 5 Rally”, this six day adventure was a busy time indeed.  Each year the ICA Club runs this rally to celebrate with those who are celebrating a major birthday or wedding anniversary during the year.  This takes place on the final evening of the rally, so more about this later.


We had two nights at the Hawkes Bay Caravan Club grounds in Eskdale.

  After several days of rain, the grounds were very wet and soft indeed.  New members Peter and Ruth certainly made an impression on their first rally when their motor home got stuck in the mud.  Try as they might, it wouldn't budge, and the van just dug itself deeper and deeper into the mud.  A group of members jumped into action, pushing and rocking to get the van out of the hole, but to no avail.  It really needed to be towed out, just the job for Robin and his trusty Jeep.  Success at last!

P1000089 P1000090

All hands on deck!

Dinner was provided on our first night together, soup and bread rolls.  Very tasty indeed, there was pumpkin soup, ham and veggie, and tomato.  Plenty to go around, and most of us went up for seconds too.    And for morning tea the next day, we were treated to scones with jam and cream, didn't we do well.


Soup for dinner and scones for morning tea

As expected, Robin’s help was needed when it was time to move on, and several motorhomes were towed off the wet ground.  Next stop was the Hasting Race Course – luckily the ground was much firmer to park on here.  A climb up the grandstand gave a great view of all the vans laid out on the grass.


Hastings Race Course

Dinner that evening was “Pea, Pie and Pud” at John’s Café, we had preordered our choice of pie to make things easier for the staff.  The main course was followed by cheesecake, and coffee.  It was a tasty meal indeed.



Enjoying our meal

On Thursday we moved on to the Ellwood Function Centre for our final evening.  The two caravans in the group, along with a large Wakerley bus were parked up together, and all the other motorhomes were in another part of the parking area.


Dressed in our glad rags, we made our way to the Function Centre and enjoyed a lovely catered meal.  Baked ham, roast veggies, followed with tiramisu.  I thought it prudent to take a photo of the large cake before it was cut – this was a carrot cake with cream cheese icing, made for us by John’s Bakery.


The celebration cake

And the big birthday celebrations this year ranged from 75, 80, 85, and a 90.  Well done to the birthday people.  Kathie had made beautiful hand made cards to be presented to all celebrating this year..


Happy Birthday

There were three couples celebrating major wedding anniversaries this year, all 60th anniversaries, how wonderful!


Happy 60th Anniversary to you all

Robin received  the Benton Recovery Award for his help in towing out those members stuck in the mud.  It was no trouble at all, he really enjoyed it.


Thanks for helping, Robin


Bev cutting the cake

The next morning our ICA Rally came to an end, we said our farewells and went on our way.  It had been great fun, and we enjoyed meeting up with everyone again.  Many thanks to Desma and Doug for all their planning and running another successful rally, and all those others who helped behind the scenes.

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Heading away again

After all the terrible weather we’ve had lately it was a blessing for those strong winds to drop, and the heavy rain to stop falling.  We were heading away again, this time to join up with out ICA friends for a rally in Hawkes Bay.  And just because we could, we decided to leave a couple of days early.  The caravan was moved into the handy car park outside our home, making it so much easier to pack, and plugged into power to get the fridge cold. 


Getting ready to go

We were a little later leaving than we wanted, but never mind, we can stop somewhere on the way for a late lunch.  Up and over the Pahiatua Track, through Woodville and we pulled into a handy layby.  Look, I said, there's another Leisureline there too.  It was Bill and Val – who were also travelling up to the ICA rally.   Their lunch break was over, and they were ready to hit the road again, while we stayed behind for a while.  We’ll catch up with them later.


Lunch break and a little RnR

By the time we arrived at the Hawkes Bay Golf Club Bill and Val were already there and all set up. The club offers a small number of powered sites to visitors, and  now it’s winter, it is always good to get a power site.  We joined them for 4zees and discussed our respective plans for the next day or two. 


The next morning was rather misty and it took quite some time to disperse.  Mist always looks rather spooky, I feel.


A rather misty morning

After breakfast I took my camera for a walk to take a few photos.   The car park was full of keen golfers who had arrived for an early morning game on the tees.


Club rooms and car park

This row of sheds are rented out to golf club members, I found out, to keep their gear in.  Power is available to charge up their buggies too, seems a great idea to me.  I wouldn't have known this if I hadn't asked a lady golfer who had her door open and was organizing her gear for a game of golf.


Storage sheds available to golfers

Here we are, side by side, and a campervan arrived in the evening a well.


We met our niece Lisa (my late sister’s daughter) for lunch on Saturday, always nice to catch up with her.  Lisa had booked a table at Rosie O’Grady’s, and Irish Bar/Restaurant in town.  The food was delicious and quite reasonably priced.  The only downside was that they didn't serve coffee!


At Rosie O’Grady’s for lunch

On Sunday we move on to Eskdale Valley for the start of the ICA rally.  There is lots planned, so it should be a fun week.  But the rain has set in again, everything is wet and soggy again.  But we can be sure of a warm welcome from our ICA friends at the rally.

Saturday, 18 June 2022

AGM and Lunch

It was time for our annual Caravan Club AGM and for a change this was held at the Levin Cossie Club, instead of at a club rally.  This way, we could get the business done, then socialize together over a pleasant lunch.  The AGM took it’s course, minutes, correspondence and finances were dealt with, officers were returned, a couple of remits were raised, rally fees set, and then it was all done and dusted.  Bill wanted a minute to speak, and he presented our President Owen with a wrapped parcel, goodness, what could it be?  Beep, beep, honk, honk, it was a  little something for Owen to keep the members quiet when he wanted to speak.  Good one, Bill!


Just what he wanted, a pink hooter!

Then we all made our way to the dining room for our pre-ordered meals.  There was quite a variety and they were ready to be collected in no time at all.  Eyes down and eating, that certainly kept everyone quiet for a while.



In the dining room

There was a short committee meeting held after the lunch to plan the rallies for the year.  Others said their farewells and headed home.  Goodbye, goodbye, see you at the next rally.

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

A Right Royal Weekend

For a change, there was no caravan club rally organized for the three day Queen’s Birthday Weekend.  Never mind, the weather wasn't too good, so it was quite nice to spend the winter weekend at home.  Over in UK Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Celebrations were taking place, whipping the crowds up into a frenzy.  New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth, so there was plenty of interest here too.  And we have to say, no one does pageantry like the Brits, all that pomp and ceremony, red coats and plumed hats, horses, marching bands, and carriages on parade.

We watched the Trooping of the Colour from start to finish on BBC UKTV.  Must admit we had only caught a glimpse of this ceremony in the past, and didn't realize just how long it took.  We watched part of the Memorial Service, and caught a glimpse of the errant Prince Harry.  And saw some of the long, long, parade down the Mall, marveling at the Golden Coach.  And didn't the New Zealand soldiers do us proud, marching along as several Maori Warriors delighted the crowd with their antics.  But the highlight of the weekend was the Platinum Party at the Palace, starting off with the band Queen and the guitar majesty of Brian May.  Followed by other marvelous acts, some famous and some we hadn't heard of over here.  Even Gemma got into the spirit of things, as she watched Charles and Camilla from the coffee table.  No, she shouldn't have been there, but it was a  royal celebration after all, and she comes from a long line of revered temple cats, so the story goes.  Perhaps she is royal as well.

Gemma TV

Gemma is taking a a keen interest