We’ve only been home a week and a bit, and its time to head away again – we had a family function to attend in Hastings. Heading north to Hawkes Bay, with the Pahiatua Track closed, our route took us over the Saddle Road. There were plenty of wind turbines ready to mesmerize us as we drove up the to the top of the hill.

Wind turbines
Then we came to a grinding halt, what was happening ahead of us on the road, we wondered? Seems a truck had broken down on our uphill lane, and a small Ute with red flashing lights came to the rescue and took over traffic control. After waiting for some time, our long line of vehicles drove around the stricken truck, and were on our way. Guess help was coming to get the truck repaired, or towed away.
We stopped at Anzac Park, Norsewood, for lunch. This is such a pretty place to stay, surrounded by large native trees and full of birdsong. Gemma was entranced by all the white butterflies fluttering by and spent her time gazing through the screen door at then. Probably thinking she would like to catch some of them!

Lunch at Anzac Park
Arriving at Erikson Road NZMCA park at Napier later in the afternoon – a little later than we would have liked. But there was plenty of space available so it was a matter of do we want to park here, there, or maybe over there? Decision finally made, we soon picked a site, steadies wound down, and ready to relax. We are staying here four nights.

Erikson Road NZMCA park
What could be better than fish and chips for our evening meal after travelling? And there was a new to us place not too far away at all, The Filter Room which consists of a cidery, restaurant, and also does take away fish and chips. Just what we wanted.

The Filter Room, which also does take-aways
As we were waiting for our order to be cooked, Robin sat in front of a wall covered with cans. Just look at them all, he’s saying.

I think he’s in beer/cider heaven
Our trip to Hawkes Bay was for us to attend my sister Kathleen’s Memorial Service. Kathleen had passed away during one of Covid lockdowns, and as funerals could only go ahead with very limited numbers, it was decided to hold a Memorial Service later on. It was a nice service with two of her children, two grandchildren, and two sisters all sharing their memories. While writing some notes, I realised that I would be the only person present who knew her as a young child. I related stories of our home life and some of the things we got up to, going to the Saturday afternoon pictures (movies), trying out our new roller skates – Kathleen was so much better at this than I was, and regular trips to the local swimming baths.

At the Memorial Service
Kathleen’s family and husband wanted to spend the rest of the day together, so we left them to it and caught up with them again before we headed back home. It was a typically hot Hawkes Bay summer’s day, so there was nothing for it, we had to visit Silky Oak Chocolates and indulge in an Iced Chocolate each. Don’t worry about the calories, we decided, just enjoy the taste!

Looks like we spoke too soon about the lovely Hawkes Bay weather, as the next couple of days were certainly cooler and quite windy. We decided to leave for home a day earlier than planned and headed off on Monday, with a stop for lunch at the Hatuma Café. This was a place we had often driven past, so it was nice to finally stop and try it out. The food was nice, but dear me, there was a malfunction with the coffee machine. Disaster was averted when the serviceman suggested the staff member make me coffee before he took it to bits to see what was wrong – perhaps I was looking desperate for a coffee as we walked in to place our lunch order..

Lunch break
We retraced our route back south, going up and over the Saddle Road again, but instead of going straight back home decided to stop at a new-to-us Pop (Park over Property) in Palmerston North. The owners made sure to ask us if we were allergic to bee stings, as he has several hives close by. A motor home joined us later on and we spent a very pleasant Happy Hour chatting together. They are newbies at this motor home lark, they told us, and confided that they had recently purchased their motor home because overseas travel has been on hold due to Covid.

Staying at Kersel’s Pop, Robert’s Line, Palmerston North
Gemma was rather excited to be outside, there must have been so many marvelous smells around the sheep pens close to where we were parked. She sniffed everywhere, she climbed up high, she climbed through the fence, no doubt wishing those mean owners of hers would take that dratted harness off so that she could go wherever she wanted. Not a chance, Gemma. Just as well there were no sheep in the pen, that might have been a bit much for her to take, but she certainly enjoyed the odours left behind.

She thinks she is a country cat now
Back home once more – you know the drill, unpacking done, first load of washing in the machine, etc. And we will be doing it all again in a couple more weeks for a caravan club rally. We're told Summer has now ended, but we generally have plenty of nice fine days in Autumn, so we will be making the most of them.