Success is getting what you want; happiness is liking what you get

Monday 28 October 2024

Awning Repairs and Welcome Bay

 It was just as well we were up  bright and early while overnighting at Cvana, in Tauranga.  We had parked the van in the workers car parking area and needed to depart.  The factory is situated in a busy industrial area and cars and trucks were tooing and froing, arriving for work and going about their business.  The helpful staff guided us out and in front of their workshop, the car was unhooked, and once again we were free for several hours.  Taking Gemma with us too, of course.  

Where to this time?  We weren't too far from The Mount (Mount Maunganui) so drove there and found a parking spot overlooking the beach.  What a busy bunch the locals were.  There were people climbing up the pathway on the Mount, tiny dots in the distance.  We watched as a never ending stream of people walked, jogged, ran and cycled along the pathway adjacent to the beach.  Fit youngsters  effortlessly ran by, older couples walked together, young Mums wheeled their babes in pushchairs, it was great to see many people out and about enjoying the morning.

  Mt Maunganui and the beach

After a couple of hours we got a call to say the repairs had been completed, so back we went to collect the van and get on our way.  Our stop for the night was not too far away, a 14km drive to Welcome Bay NZMCA Park.  This park has plenty of room, with large grassy areas for parking.

Welcome Bay NZMCA Park

A couple of the nearby properties have peacocks, and their distinctive calls rang out.  It's almost as if they are crying "Help".  There is a large meeting room with books to swap, and several boxes of kiwi fruit had been donated for the members.  "Help yourselves", we were told.

Zespri kiwifruit on offer

I don't remember seeing the "Tree of Knowledge" last time we stayed here, complete with a swing, but here it is.

The Tree of Knowledge

In the evening we met up with friends Louise and Robert who live in nearby Papamoa, and went out to dinner at the local RSA.  The meal was very nice, salmon for me, and a lamb shank for Robin.  For some reason, not a single photo was taken.  The weather changed overnight, and we woke to wind and rain, not at all nice after our days of sunshine.

Saturday 26 October 2024

Peat Lakes of Ohaupo and over the Kaimai Ranges

 There was a free day at Ohaupo while our caravan was undergoing it's service, so we decided to check out the Ohaupo Peat Lakes.  We drove out to Lake Ngaroto, taking a picnic lunch with us.

Ngaroto is the largest of the many peat lakes found between Hamilton and Te Awamutu.  These lakes were formed about 19,000 years ago when sand and gravel carried in the Waikato and Waipa river blocked up small valleys.  Water loving plants thrived and thick layers of peat eventually built up within the lake and around the margins.

There is a walkway around the lake, including stretches of boardwalk together with dirt and grass pathways, about a 6km flat walk.  Self contained camping is allowed at the lake side, and there were several motor homes staying the day we arrived.  

Lake Ngaroto

Carved Maori Pou were erected in 2016 and marks the place where the  sacred carving Te Uenuku was lost during the Battle of Hingakaka.  The ancient carving represents the rainbow god Uenuku and is one of the greatest taonga (treasures) of the Tainui people.  It was re-discovered in 1906 buried close to the lake shore and now resides in the Te Awamutu Museum.

Pou marking the spot where the sacred carving was lost

By mid afternoon a phone call came to say our van was all done and ready to be collected.  Our day wasn't over as we had to drive over the Kaimai Ranges to stay overnight at Cvana Awings in Tauranga.  This was a 110km trip, and we finally arrived at about 5.30pm, tired and ready for an early night.  Our awning needed repairing, so we needed to be up bright and early the next morning for the work to begin.

Spending the night at Cvana Awnings

Thursday 24 October 2024

Heading to Ohaupo

 We farewelled our caravan buddies and got on our way, taking a few days to reach Ohaupo to get our Leisureline caravan serviced.  First stop was not too far away at Sanson, to go to the dump station and fuel up.  It was lunch on the go from the Z Service station, coffee and a pie while we started on our trip - means we wouldn't have to stop on the way.

Lunch on the go

Our stop for the night was at a private property in Ohakune, newly available for fellow Leisureline caravan owners.  It was a lovely rural property, and we certainly appreciated the opportunity to stay overnight.

Leaving the caravan on site,  we just had to call into the "world famous in New Zealand" chocolate eclair shop.  We were served by the former owner Steve, who told us he is "living the dream", making the tasty goodies, chatting with customers and getting paid for it, without the worry of running the business any more.  The new owners have set up a coffee lounge in one corner of the shop, a welcome addition I'm sure.  

The Chocolate Eclair Shop

 Ohakune is also famous for the Big Carrot, proudly standing on the edge of town!  Plenty of carrots are grown here, as well as potatoes and swedes.   In case you are wondering, the name Ohakune means "an opening to a new world" and refers to the descent from nearby Mount Ruapehu into the valley and swamps of the area.

The Big Carrot at Ohakune

A site worthy of stopping for a photo stop is the Makatote Viaduct.  Building was completed in 1908 and the viaduct  is recognised as an important part of New Zealand's engineering heritage.

We drove past Mt Ruapehu as we continued on our journey, it's always such a lovely sight to see.  This is a view from the Western side of the mountain.

Mt Ruapehu

We stayed the next two nights at the NZMCA Otorohanga Park, fairly quiet at this time of year with about 10 vans here each night.  The name means "food for a journey".  There is a legend which tells of a Maori chief passing by, who chanted incantations that stretched out his meagre supply of food to last the full journey.  

Staying at Otorohanga NZMCA Park

We enjoyed  a celebratory birthday dinner for me at the Otorohanga Club while we were here.  The meal was delicious, roast pork and veggies,  bubbly for me, and a beer for him.

Enjoying my Birthday dinner

It was just a short 43km trip to Ohaupo the next day for our caravan service.  The Leisureline service team allow customers to stay overnight and we were joined by Geoff and Eileen - it was great to catch up with them again.  While we were getting a caravan service done, they were collecting their van after repairs had been completed.  The four of us visited the local fish and chip shop for dinner that night, so no cooking for us again.   

One waiting for a service, the other waiting to go home

Sunday 20 October 2024

Weekend at Pohangina

 Spring has sprung at home and the tree in our front yard is bursting with tender new leaves.  Although a little cloudy, we were looking forward to a nice weekend away.

Gemma decided to make life difficult for us, with all the hustle and bustle of packing the caravan going on.  Why not give my people a hard time and hide for a while, she thought.  We were all ready to go and searched here, searched there, to no avail, then searched again.  Robin finally found her curled up and keeping low in a place I had already checked twice!  I don't know why she acts like this, after all she goes away in the caravan once a month at least so should be well used to the routine by now.  Finally she was secured in the car and we got on our way.

Here she is, in the car at last

We were heading off to the Pohangina Domain, formerly the village school.  As we had a lunch date with my daughter, we were the first to arrive, put our van on site, and left before anyone else arrived.  The ground was  very soft and our caravan unfortunately made a few ruts while we backed the van where we wanted it.  The old school grounds are surrounded by lovely mature trees, and there are plenty of native birds everywhere.  And because it is a rural area, lambs were bleating, cattle were mooing, and the roosters were crowing!

The name Pohangina translates to "ulcerated night", suggesting that the valley had been a place of bloodshed between the local Rangitane people and their enemies.

First to arrive

By the time we arrived back  from lunch, most of the others had arrived, settled themselves, and were out enjoying the sunshine.

Some of the vans on site

We had a visitor join us for the weekend, and I'm sure he was a little upset when his car and van got stuck in the soft ground.  No worries, there was plenty of help to unhook his car from the caravan, and with the help of a couple of mats under the wheels, the car was driven away to firmer ground.

Plenty of advice here

Then it was Owen to the rescue with his shiny black Toyota HiLux, his strop hooked up to Graham's van, pulled it out of the mud, and parked it neatly.  Thanks Owen, for your help.

Owen to the rescue

On Saturday afternoon the Rally Family, Stuart and Helen, took us on a tiki tour to the Totara Reserve camping area.  The reserve was not yet open for campers, the gate was locked, but we were able to walk through and check it out.

While some enjoyed a long walk, others sat in the sun and chatted away.  This is a nice camp, and extremely popular over the summer months.  Then it was afternoon tea time.  We walked back to the cars, took out our folding chairs, thermoses and bikkies, sat in a circle on a grassy knoll, and sat enjoying our cuppas in the lovely sunshine.

Maureen, Helen, Owen, Don, Jenny and Robin

The school room was available for the evenings to our group for a small fee, and we gathered there on Saturday night.  But the power wasn't working!  several hundred homes in the area.  We tried various switches, but to no avail.  Eventually someone went on the internet and discovered it was a local fault affecting several hundred homes in the area.  Whew, it wasn't something we had done, luckily.  The power eventually came on, and Helen and Stuart got underway with our evening activity.  They had secured the driving tests for new and renewing drivers, so we answered the 35 questions to the best of our ability, and memories.  I think most of us would have got our licenses renewed.  In a real test, people are allowed only three incorrect answers to get a pass.

Sunday morning was warm and sunny and Helen and Stuart were busy for quite some time cooking on their BBQ.  What were they doing, we wondered.  Cooking up pikelets for everyone for morning tea, that's what!  Served with jam and cream, they certainly went down well, and were most appreciated.  Thanks so much Helen and Stuart, it's been a great rally indeed.

Cooking up pikelets for morning tea

Thursday 17 October 2024

Day out with SLG Friends

 It was a lovely day out with our Super Leisure Group friends.  A real "Blue Sky" day, lovely warm Spring weather, what could be better.  We drove down to Lower Hutt, my old home town where I was born, did my schooling, grew up, and lived for quite some years.  It always feels like coming home to me when we travel to the Hutt Valley.

Five of us met at the Bluebird Eatery, the cafe at the Dowse Art Gallery.  We had a nice lunch, but commiserated about paying for parking.  (Most of the parking is free where we live, except for the main street, and I always park behind the library and walk through the mall to get to the shops.)  Some dishes on the menu were a little different, I chose roast mushrooms on toasted focaccia, very tasty indeed, and Robin had delicious fish and chips.

My mushrooms are under this salad

Sadly the photo of our lunch group turned out rather dark, and my computer will not let me alter it.  Never mind, here we all are, having a fine old time together.  The young woman manager of the cafe used to board with Trish some years ago when she came to New Zealand as an overseas student.  So she was very attentive to Trish and our group.

Helen, Trish, Jenny, Robin and Calvin

After lunch we visited the adjacent Dowse Art Museum.

The jewel in the crown at the museum is the pataka whakairo (carved storehouse), known as one of the Hutt Valley's greatest treasures.  Commissioned by Wiremu Tako Ngatata and built in 1856 under the guidance  of carver Te Heuheu Tukino, it is one of several buildings created in support of the Maori King movement, and the only one that survives intact.  The storehouse, known as Nuku Tewhatewha has had several homes in the care of a pakeha family, first in  in Lower Hutt, then Thorndon (Wellington) before being carried over the Remutaka Range to Masterton in 1912.  The passing years and the weather were taking its toll on the building, and it was returned into the care of the Dowse in 1982.

Nuku Tewhatewha

We then went back to Trish's home for a chat, followed by afternoon tea.  She had reminded us at lunch not to have any desserts as she had been baking for our arrival in the afternoon.  And goodness me, were we spoilt, she had made one of her famous lemon meringue pies!

So yummy

Our mutual friend Pauline popped in for afternoon tea too, so it was great to catch up with her again. 

Pauline, Jenny and Robin

 Pauline and her late husband Geoff joined us on our epic 3 month South Island trip with two other couples way back in 2012.  The four of us had done lots of research for this trip, and had a long list of places to go and things to see, to make the most of our journey.  Here we all are at  Hakatere Conservation Park at the foot of Mount Sommers.  The DOC hut was just the place for us to sit and eat our picnic lunch after a trip to Staverley to try some of their famous sausage rolls I had read about.  

Geoff C, Pauline, Eileen, Geoff T, Robin, Jenny, Derek and Dot
On our 2012 South Island trip

Many thanks to Trish for organising such a lovely day out, we had a great time indeed.

Friday 11 October 2024

Caravan Club lunch at Denny's

 We organised a day out for our caravan club members, a lunch at Denny's in Porirua.  The interest was excellent, 20 attended, with just a few members unable to make it.  Denny's is a casual, family style restaurant, with quite an extensive menu, something for everyone's tastes.  Our group of 20 was spread out over three tables, and the restaurant was fairly full with other family groups too.  Our members are spread out geographically, some driving over the hill from the Wairarapa, some from the Horowhenua, Kapiti, and the Hutt Valley.

Every one was chatting away, so I thought it was a good time to take some photos.

Then serious business of checking out the the menus took place and we all made our choices.  It was roast pork for Robin and salmon for me.  It took a while for all the 20 meals to be delivered and the noise from our tables certainly decreased while we ate our lunches.

Our meals

After lunch a bit of table hopping took place as we caught up with the others.  A few ordered dessert, some had coffees and we were all happy little campers indeed.  Robin can never pass by a chocolate sundae.

Chocolate sundae for Robin

It was a lovely time out, both the food and the company were great, and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.  We are sure to have another caravan club lunch again soon.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Spring has Sprung

 Spring has sprung in our part of the world, and the clocks have gone forward one hour (Spring forward) for another season of daylight saving.  We don't mind daylight saving at all, although some people do.  I just think the lovely long Summer evenings are so delightful.  Spring however, in our country, can be rather tumultuous, so terribly changeable.   One day will be lovely - sunny and fine, followed  by a couple of windy, rainy days.  In fact, the weather in Dunedin, down in the South Island, had been terrible, flooding, land slips, trees down,  houses damaged and red stickered meaning the owners cannot return to their homes.  We had to contact our friends in Dunedin to make sure their house hadn't slipped down their hilly suburb, luckily they were fine.

Asparagus season has just started so we took a trip up the Lewis Farm just north of Levin to purchase some new season's asparagus.  It was a lovely warm sunny day and plenty of other people had the same idea.

At Lewis Farm's shop

We sat outside at the picnic tables with kids enjoying the playground equipment.  Robin was enjoying his huge real fruit ice-cream!

A big ice-cream for Robin

I preferred a coffee.  It was so nice relaxing in the sun shine.

On the way back home Robin insisted the little car needed a wash.  It's been a long time since I've been through one of these places.  Buying a ticket is all done on the phone these days.

Enter when the light turns green

Here it comes

Our lovely sunny Saturday was followed by a couple of rainy days, but that's how it is in Spring here.  We just have to make the most of each day, I feel.  I don't know about you, but our calendars are filling up fast with pre-Christmas caravan rallies and get togethers.  The next couple of months will be very busy indeed.